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Have you ever wondered why the American flag appears on military and other uniforms? The choice is not just a fashion statement. Instead, there is a deeper meaning behind this arrangement.

Flag Army Uniform

Flag Army Uniform

Army Regulation 670-1 ("Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia") requires soldiers to wear an American flag patch with the stars facing forward. When the flag is carried in this position, it appears to move forward as the breeze blows.

Army Double Flag Uniform Shadow Box Display Frame

The star field should also be located near the heart of the train. This means that the US flag looks normal when worn on the left sleeve. When worn on the right side, it works in reverse.

The position of the American flag in this form is crucial. Flag historians explain that the flag should not be viewed upside down (the stars on the back of the body).

"[Americans] take [the flag] so seriously that it should always face forward," Tim Marshall, author of Worth Dying For: The Power and Politics of Flags, told Business Insider. “Now to the mast, which places the stars on the left side next to the flag; This is the most prestigious position. You look at it differently on the arm, and when a soldier or sailor ... moves forward, the US flag should be facing forward. It should not be considered a hindrance. "

This also explains why the American flag with the stars behind it flies on military vehicles and other official government vehicles. When the car moves forward, the flag appears, when it blows in the wind - it moves forward with the bundle (stars).

Reversed American Flag Patch

If you fly an American flag on your vehicle, remember that according to the flag guidelines, the flag should always be on the right side of the vehicle as shown in the photo below.

The American flag dates back to 1777, when historians believe the first one was sewn by Philadelphia seamstress Betsy Ross. Between 1777 and 1960, Congress passed several laws that influenced and changed the shape, pattern, and layout of the flag before finally settling on the stars and stripes design we all know and love today.

By law, there are several places in the United States where the flag must fly 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including the White House and Fort McHenry.

Flag Army Uniform

For more interesting facts about the flag and the proper way to display the flag, visit the US government website. Why is the American flag on the back of military uniforms? Have you ever wondered, “Why is there an American flag on the back of military uniforms”? We are here to challenge the idea that this method is wrong and reveal the history of this tradition.

Usa Flag Shoulder Patch On Military Uniform Stock Photo

Why is the American flag on the military uniform turned away? A question that gets asked more often than you think is why would every soldier's uniform be wrong? Although this may seem wrong, it is not.

And the reason for placing the American flag this way is much simpler than you might think. Let's dive into the history of this method, what led to it, and the traditions that support it.

To begin to answer the question of why the American flag is on the back of military uniforms, we need to cover the history of wearing the flag on the right side.

Place of Honor The American flag has historically always flown to the right of the flags of another organization, such as the Navy or the USMC, as a sign of respect for their country. So by the time you make a simple fix to the "outdated" flag on the military uniform, it would already be worn incorrectly. Flags worn on the right shoulder are referred to as "retarded".

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Army Regulation 670-1 states that the flag of the United States of America must be worn on all uniforms, specifically on the right shoulder:

"All soldiers wear full-color American flag embroidery on utility and organizational uniforms when not deployed or in the field. Soldiers wear tactical flag badges when deployed or in the field."

Why is the American flag on the military uniform turned away? The flag is regulated to be worn on the uniform of every army and the historical tradition is that it should be placed on the right arm.

Flag Army Uniform

The US flag bows to no man or king. As a mark of respect for the flag, the American flag is the only flag at the Olympic ceremonies that is not flown by the head of state or the host country.

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The flag must always point forward, which is usually seen as the stars on the left side of the flagpole, which points forward and never backwards. However, on the arm patch, it's the other way around or vice versa.

Finally, we can get to the point and answer your dying question, "Why is the American flag on the back of military uniforms?" The basic idea behind the inverted American flag on military uniforms is to make it look like the flag is flying.

Although this consideration is not as exciting as you might hope, the flag is positioned as if the person carrying it is moving forward, into the wind. It comes from the early history of the military and those who carried the flag into battle. By mimicking this action, the uniform transfers forward momentum, causing the flag to swing back and forth.

Carrying the flag backwards gives the effect of flying the flag, mimicking the action of early flag-carrying veterans of the military, both non-cavalry and infantry.

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These units would designate a "standard bearer" to carry the flag forward into battle. So, in short, the flag is displayed correctly in front, although it may not be visible to an unknown civilian. It is marked on the right shoulder as "flag on the back".

The flag is sewn half an inch below the right shoulder seam, non-stick hot weather uniform and desert combat uniform, as well as cold weather uniform and combat uniform field jacket.

However, it should not be worn over camouflage or combat suits as it is a very light color.

Flag Army Uniform

Believe it or not, an American flag draped over a military uniform is not as conspicuous as you might think. While it's easy to pick up once you spot the difference in a flag, it's not as easy to decipher a flag as "bad" as many think. It's easy to miss if you don't look closely at the shape.

Oath Of Enlistment

However, this change led to a backlash filled with many "easy fixes", such as changing the arm to a full flag change. These suggestions are often made by people who misunderstand the meaning of the flag to Americans. Even today, the military questions why the American flag is upside down every day, at the airport, on public transportation, you name it.

Except for the American flag insignia on the back of the uniform, American flag aircraft and American flag vehicles are identical to the uniforms. Both with the flag displayed "upside down", the two cars appear to be shown with the American flags facing backwards due to the same shape.

The same principle applies, with rear flags flying in the breeze instead of being swept back. A moving vehicle should always appear to be moving forward.

Believe it or not, the US isn't the only country to change its flag to right-handed. And to complete our lesson on the answer to why the American flag is turned upside down on military uniforms, Norway also uses this concept, as do many other countries that are simply not known for military uniforms.

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