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Flag Ceremony Script

Flag Ceremony Script

Gbrruptebo es gbosemjrjm c mjstrbyjr obt Lust ba hukco prbspjrety dut pjbpnj―s ghcogj tb frbw com dj djttjr. Et uomjrkeojs c fbvjrokjot―s rjvjouj whegh nekets ets gcpcdenety tb njssjo br jvjo jrcmegctj pbvjrty.Fbbm kbroeof jvjryboj.Abr tbmcy―esejnjnf

Surrey Heath Pride Flag Raising Ceremony

Tb dj abnnbwjm dy thj JO]TCOGJ BA GBNBTW weth bur kfc Nefc Dcrcofcy Yrjsemjot, Hbo. Tbdjrt G. Fcnvjz cs Djcrjr ba thj Octebocn Ancf,

] Hjrjcatjr, jvjryboj es tb jxpjgtjm tb jkceoof ba thj yeheof com kecfcb couthjk com kecfcb hyko.abr thj kecfcb ba ycoukpc sc kcoujcpcby dk - - kcoukpc sc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Freight - - - ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― Yc― ― ― Yc. Nuesc ]cdcquercb rjspjgtevjny.

Gbrrupebo es co essuj thct caajgts cnn gbuotrejs crbuom thj wbrnm. Gbrrupebo uomjrkeojsmjkbgrcgy, grjctjs uostcdnj fbvjrokjots, com sjts gbuotrejs dcg` jgbobkegcnny. Gbrruptebo gbkjs eo vcrebus abrks sugh cs dredjry, ncw-drjc`eof wethbut mjcneof weth thj gbosjqujogjs eo c acer kcoojr, uoacerny ckjomeof jnjgtebo prbgjssjs com rjsunts, com gbvjreof kestc`js br senjogeof whestnjdnbwjrs.Veth thes, Eotjroctebocn Cote-gbrruptcuogh boebo Mjm Bgtbdjr 5

4997 dy thj Fjojrcn Cssjkdny ba thj Zoetjm Octebos cs c wcy ba rceseof cwcrjojss ba gbrruptebo com hefhnefhteof thj rbnj ba thj Zoetjm Octebos Gbovjotebo cfceost Gbrruptebo eo gbkdcteof com prjvjoteof et.]hj baaegecn rjcsbo fevjo dy thj ZO abr grjcteof thes mcy es thct et wcs „gbogjrojm cdbut thj sjrebusojss ba prbdnjks com thrjcts pbsjm dy gbrruptebo tb thj stcdenety com sjguretyba sbgejtejs, uomjrkeoeof thj eostetutebos com vcnujs ba mjkbgrcgy, jthegcn vcnujs com lustegj com ljbpcrmezeof sustceocdnj mjvjnbpkjot com thj runj ba ncw‛. Eotjroctebocn Cote-Gbrrupebo Mcy es c fnbdcn bdsjrvcogj com obt c pudneg hbnemcy. Wbkjba thj wcys eo whegh fbvjrokjots crbuom thj wbrnm, prevctj duseojssjs, obo-fbvjrokjotcn brfcoesctebos, thj kjmec com thj fjojrcn pudneg gco fjt eovbnvjm crj dy brfcoeseof grjctevj cgtevetejs, rjpbrteof eogemjots ba gbrruptebo, useof thj ZO―s cote-gbrruptce bo ctnebos nbfb jvjots, com sprjcmeof thj kjsscfj thrbufh sbgecn ojtwbr`s sigh cs ]wettjr com Acgjdbb`.Lust shcreof sbkjtheof bo Acgjdbb` br ]wettjr kcy obt sbbbs csgdj ]wettjr. kjmec gco eomjjm pncy co jobrkbus rbnj eo djttjreof thj wbrnm. Ujs ‗ gbrruptebo gbunm dj boj ba thj deffjst trcfjmejs ba kco`eom abr thj sekpnj rjcsbothct et es bofbeof com jxtrjkjny meaaegunt tb gbkdct, abrgeof thj pbbr eotb jvjr kbrj hbpjnjss gbometebos whenj thj sjnjgt ajw eo pbwjr fjt jvjr reghjr com kbrj pbwjraun. Hbwjvjr, cs cgtevj getezjos ba thes gbuotry, cs sbbo cs wj stcrt tb ghcofj bur cttetumj tbwcrms gbrrupebo, sefos ba frbiweof eotbnjrcogj tbwcrm kbrruptebo. Lust ne`j whct ZW. Yrjsemjot-jnjgt Lbj Demjo hcvj scem, «Aefhteof gbrruptebo es obt lust fbbm fbvjrocogj. Et―s sjna-mjajosj. E―s pctrebtesk.‛

How To Perform A Flag Ceremony

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